Wednesday, June 29, 2005


First off, yesterday I posted that I collected the 2 sets of keys back from the estate agents. Well today like an idiot I forgot the door keys for the first ever time and we had no spare sets as they were all in the house. DOH, Had to give the door a slight kick to get in and have spent the day ensuring that a kick will not get it through so easy next time ! At least the dead lock will stop it being so easy.

Bumped into a mate from work today in Mothercare :-0 At least I was playing with the buggies and not at the "cute" clothes, he also was looking at the buggies :-). Hope that we never have to talk about this at work when I am back on Monday.

Thought I would post a bit about my travels from last year so here goes:
This is from Mid September 2003, right at the start and we had gone from Bangkok to Burma. My Mum and her family are from Burma so it had an extra special meaning to go there.

We flew into Burma 17/9 and stayed in Yangoon for a couple of days before heading to the Golden Rock and this will be my first "story" of Burma.
We headed out at 06.30 and changed some money up ($US 40 got us 36,000 Kyat) We had our pockets full of the stuff !!! Get this though I used a monk to change the money. Headed to the Bus station and it was the maddest most dusty and busiest place we had seen and this is after going through Bangkok.

We were hustled and bustled around. Amazing the amount of attention 2 westeners get. Managed to get a bus for 4,000 to take us. The bus was mullered it was 2 each side and then they fold out seats in the middle to make another seat. We left the station at 09.00 and preceded at an unknown rate of knots but it was fast. The driver played a song on his horn that just involved leaving his hand in the middle of the steering wheel. We somehow made it to Kyaiktiyo high street where we had to make a change to a mini bus for the trip to Kinpon Base Camp. We managed to locate the right "mini bus" over here we call them pick up's. It had a plank of wood on each side and another one in the middle. When we left I counted at least 15 people plus all their shopping and of course our huge backpacks. The locals all paid 50K for the ride and we paid 100K, not that we were moaning, what was good though was one of the ladies on the ride had a right go at the guy who was collecting the money because we paid twice the amount. Works out to about 10 cents that we paid so about 6p !!

We found somewhere to stay (think it was about $10) We went to the only restaurant in town and had Soup, Curry, Rice with various side dishes for 500K also managed to get a couple of ice cold large beers. This was about 4PM There was no way that we were going to get up to the Golden Rock on this day as the bus has stopped running and the walk would take over 8 hours up and back according to the locals. Not going to attempt that !

Getting tired now, so tomorrow: Getting to the rock.
Sneak preview of the rock, For size look at the monk in the bottom right corner !

Burma - 35

Baby news - Mrs PF got some maternity jeans today. We tried getting more but the main shops (Next and Mama and Papas in Watford) that we wanted to go to were closed due to floods !

Going there tomorrow and hope that they might have some cheap stuff there with slight water damage

Footie news - AJ still here, fingers crossed.

Todays Fact - On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.

Yer that will stop you now GET IT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, Do pencils count?

On this day - 1620
After denouncing smoking as a health hazard, King James I of England bans the growing of tobacco in Britain.


Todays Joke - Did you hear the one about the doctor, engineer, and programmer who were debating what the world's oldest profession was (other than the obvious one)?

The doctor said that medicine was the oldest because the Lord performed surgery in the removal of Adam's rib. The engineer countered that before that act, the Lord had performed feats of engineering by creating the earth and heavens from nothing.

The doctor conceded that the engineer was right and that engineering was indeed the oldest profession. But then the programmer interjected that programming was even older. He was chided by both the doctor and the engineer saying that engineering had to be the oldest, because before the Lord engineered the earth and heavens, there was nothing, only the Great Void, only Chaos!

The programmer simply smiled and said:

"Where do you think the Chaos came from?"

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