Sunday, October 09, 2005


It's not a bad program but I'm kind of getting a bit bored with it. It's just running so slow at the moment. Also I have to say that the adverts are always on. I guess that as four paid so much money for it and it is one of their top shows they can get more adverts for the money. It's also a USA show and prob uses the same advert pattern. Bit like 24, I bought the DVD set of the first series and it had bits cut out because the first UK DVD sets we got had the episodes shown in the USA. When it was shown here in the UK it was on BBC2 and therefore no adverts and could be a bit longer.

Anyway back to lost the main question I have to ask is..... How have they all kept their teeth so clean !


Kentonist said...

We're looking for music lovers/bloggers in London. We're trying to get as many as we can to take a chance and come and see us at the Purple Turtle in Camden on the 11th of November. We're interested in meeting writers/photographers/artists of all stripes who have an informed opinion about music to let us know what they think, both of us live and our new album, "King Martha". Bloggers will get a free album to review if they attend. Let us know if you're interested.



Wyndham said...

Stay with Lost, I'm a huge fan. I'm afraid to say I've just watched the first episode of the second season - it's fabulous!

Joanna said...

Its a slow boil.. but just intriguing enough to keep me watching every week.

Didn't the Japanese lady show them how to clean their teeth using one of the plants? I'm sure I remember something like that.

How is their hair so neat though? They've been there several weeks now and Jacks hair is still as short as it was when he crashed. Lucky for them a hairdresser was on the plane then...

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Yep I did think of the hair one after I wrote it.

I watched a couple of them on Sunday and have to say it was better. I used to go to the anti natal on Wednesday so maybe I was tired, will watch tomorrows and still am yet to miss an episode.

Thanks for the comments ! Was starting to feel as though all alone "lost"

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...


Who knows if you will come back here BUT what sort of music? My wife is going to be close to due date then I done think I will be able to go but let me know the type of music and I might be able to come to another show.

I am very into guitars