Saturday, July 02, 2005

Testing new design

A work in progress and it has taken me nearly all day messing about with it all so that I can still use with it all.

Nearly there but some more work needed :-)

Learning lots of new stuff re coding and working out what parts to take from the original blogger design to keep all posts etc.

Eyes getting tired so not posting the normal BUT will post tomorrow about a guitar that I am trying to buy through a website, I am quite sure that they have used the wrong price on site so I bought it and called them up and it is out of stock MMmmm

Let me know what you think about the design. Think I need a better "logo"

Noticed I have lost my quick edit but hey I am not a web designer !!!! More to the point I am not even that technical anymore (I used to a computer network analyst)


Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Testing the comment but have noticed that the search does not work. Not that I thought it would :-)

Jane said...

It looks pretty good to me, Mr PF, except the rotating globe email gif. That looks a bit late 1990's look-I've-got-a-website! to me.

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Agree with your comment on globe and I will take it out this afternoon. Also want to move picture across to the right and tidy up the white space.

Got my house chores to do first :-)