Saturday, December 03, 2005


Well what can I say other then I have the greatest son in the world and a wife that is brilliant and so so good with Max BUT we dont seem to have sleep anymore.

I might get Faye to write about the labour as she saw it and I also will at the same time and we could see how close they are to each other ! So I wont go into it all BUT he was born at the Royal Free in Hampstead and had a view of the Crystal Palace tower. I never knew that until we went in the birthing room because we had not been able to see that birthing room (had the pool) during any of visits to the hospital. As I looked out I thought "this is just meant to be" :-)

He was helped out by the ventouse method in the end so his head has quite pointed but he already, to us, has got his shape back and the only signs of the delivery are a couple of small bruises.

This is a replica of the bags under my eyes:

Today is going to be our first day truely on our own so really looking forward to it. It has been great having all the family round especially getting clothes as presents. We only bought a few cream / white things and have yet to venture out so have not got all the blue clothes.

We should be able to email people we were meant to tell about Max and also try to reply back to some, sending some photos out, thanking people for the flowers and presents. Sorting out my printer so I can become one of the people in the office with a photo on the desk.

I always said that I would not be one of them office people with their life posted all over the desk in pictures. I do have a couple of concert tickets lying around but thats just to prove to myself that I have seen some bands this year. Not sure why you would need the whole family in pictures on your computer monitor. I'm going to be going home to them in the evening and if need be I can actually look at my blog. So I might just keep a picture in my desk.

Thanks again for all the comments and nice to see some friends posting a comment. I dont get too many comments and hardly any from people I have actually seen and drank with.

And the name change of the blog I guess will be happening soon. Didnt really think about that did I !!

Anyway enough about me here is Max at 24 hours: I will take some in daylight later !!!! He tends to be more awake at night though.
max at 24 hours

This us playing on the Mac using front row and glow as the setting:
Photo 17


Wildefrost said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's adorable. So glad he's finally here!

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Dan - the birthing pool was great for pain relief. Max should really of born in the water but was not. What ever happens just make sure you are there for Luce thats all we can do and offer loads of encouragement.

I will teach you the ways of the birthing room young one :-)

Lauren - Thanks.

If anyone want to see a really happy couple and some great photos check out Laurens blog

surly girl said...

he's beautiful! congratulations to you all. if it's any consolation, small person slept through from 9 weeks.

that was a very long 9 weeks, mind you....

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Surly Girl,

How long would you class as sleep through?

When did you change small person from feeding every 2-3 hours?


surly girl said...

lord, now you're asking....

sleep through as in last feed at 11, wake up around 6am.

the first 2-3 weeks are all about the demand feeding (you doing breast or bottle?). after that it's best to start trying to get the four-hourly thing going on. i am a firm believer that babies thrive on routine. oh yes.

if you have any other questions (i can bore you about parenting for hours...) feel free to mail me. i am surlygirl1 at gmail dotcom.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, some cute pics there. Though the one off you is a bit on the scarey side. Take it easy - hope you are catching up on your sleep!!