Wednesday, December 07, 2005

When you got to go, you have to go

Happy birthday Max, 1 week old :-0

The joys of parenthood. Today while changing Max from his moist and dirty nappy he decided it was time to go again. Now when he first started a couple of days ago actually having a poo we were very excited and kept saying good boy, we are not too sure now if we should of been encourging him all the time.

Anyway, So I'm there all happy thinking good stuff all done, baby clean and dry, I turned to get a fresh nappy and throw the old one, I come back and he turned himself into a water feature and sprayed everywhere. OK another clean but then he farted and not just any fart but a full on poo fart all over the mat, his clothes, himself and me :-(. He then did it again straight after !!! Faye heard me scream and came running in but just laughed at me.

Here is a picture of Max in his Palace gear taken this morning for his grandad and uncle.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Max looks gorgeous. We can't wait to meet him in the flesh. Max is a cool name.

Terri and I can't wait to see you, mum and Max when we come back to UK some time next year.

How are you coping with the typical dark, black/green poo's? (and I mean Max)
