Tuesday, August 01, 2006

New home now with ADSL

Welcome back to the real world, we have broadband and have unpacked most of the boxes. We moved in just over a week ago and while 1 neighbour was kind enough to have an open wireless connection he turns off his ADSL when not using it so we only had sporadic internet.

Gone for Pipex again and hope to get about 6.5 meg :-0 it's at 2meg at the moment and I have to try and remember to turn the router off and on every now and then so it re-syncs or something. Very pleased at having to wait just a week for it.

The house is great and it feels good to be out of London and living in Berkhamsted. Do a flickr search for some photos until I get round to taking some Berko search. It seems a great place where people say hello and dont want anything other then a hello back. The neighbours seem good and we are having a street BBQ this Saturday. Where we live is in a sort of close where there is only 8 other houses so we can "close" our bit off with out affecting the main road.

Have had a chat about the boundaries already with our neighbour because he came round on the day we moved in to mention that it needs replacing, well, my half did. Never ever heard of shared ownership i.e. he owns the good bit albeit short fence and own the crap bit that runs down so I got my solicitor to look into it and it turns out that I have to look after the boundary so I am going to try and get him to move "his" fence down to the crap bit and then I'm putting up a 6 foot one.

Here is a photo of Max his tent the other day:
max tent.JPG

Off to sunny Preston tomorrow for a meeting on Thursday. Taking my naff old powerbook so hope to get an internet connection.

Also going to drive the Agila because my ABS light is always on so it is going to the garage. beep beep

1 comment:

Jane said...

Glad you are all moved in proper and everything.

Don't knock Preston that much, it could be worse it could be Blackburn.

And boy isn't little Max growing! :)