Friday, March 10, 2006

How sat-nav rats brought jams to country lanes

A story from the times online:

How sat-nav rats brought jams to country lanes
It may be the quickest route according to your in-car guide, but increasingly the technology is sending drivers on rat runs through obscure rural byways – and the locals aren't happy, report Dipesh Gadher and Luke David of The Sunday Times
Full story.
Sat Nav Rat runs

Here is my post from a while ago.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Chelsea Tractors
What is the point of these 4x4's? This is one i saw earlier I am thinking that anyone that does not own a farm or at least goes off road and I'm not talking about mounting the kerb outside the local school should have to pay more road tax to drive them. Well lets face it they take up half the bloody road. Reason for the moan; well since everyone has got the system of a national banks computer system in their BMW X5's they all can navigate themselves off the M25 jams and use my "secret" way to work. I use the country lanes to navigate myself to work and now they are turning into jams as well :-( The only bonus is that I get my little 206 behind them and know that they dont give way so all cars coming the other way end up in the hedges and I sneak along behind them. Thinking of selling spray on mud so they can at least look the part.

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