Sunday, March 02, 2008

They call me James......

Max and Skye 260208Max and Skye Lilly

My name is James and they all now call me James, Max has started copying everything we say and now calls me James rather then daddy not all the time but quite a bit, See yer James he shouts as I go to work although I do get a daddy on the phone calls and when I get home. It's amazing really how good his speech is. It is so good he has even stared to copy me taking the "mickey" for example, the other day someone who was round asked for a cup of tea so in my best cockney accent I said
"Cup of rosie lee coming up" and lo and behold the boy said it as well with the accent. Brilliant really. Not sure I like it when he hears Faye call me honey and he copies that, it does make me laugh though.

His other favorite word is NO and that gets used a bit more then we would like.

Max and Skye are both doing really well, Skye seems a bit like me....... She is quite grumpy and frowns a lot :-) She is really cute and beautiful with it. Her sleeping is not bad although we have moved her to her own room, bit sooner then most but she is noisy and I snore so it is best for all.

1 comment:

Istvanski said...

How sweet. It's like Bart saying "Homer", isn't it?