Monday, February 04, 2008

Just off to collect...

Image "borrowed" from

A camcorder and a BABY GIRL, hooray Faye gave birth last night to a daughter and we have names her Skye Lilly. She was born without any complications at 20.20 last night and weighed in at 7lb 15 and a bit. She is shorter then Max so a bit chubbier. As births go she was a lot easier then Max and Faye did really really well and had no pain relief.

The camcorder has also arrived so I will collect that just before I collect the "girls"

I will post up a photo a bit later.


Jane said...


Matt said...

Congrats James, Faye, Max and Skye

Michelle said...

Congratulations to you all, a complete little family!

What does Max make of it all??

Well done Faye, make sure the boys give you plenty of attention!!

Michelle xx