Tuesday, February 28, 2006

To go or not to go......

I missed football again on Saturday and we won 4-1 according to my dad and brother it was the best we have played all season.

It always seems to happen to when I dont go, now I'm thinking of writing to Simon Jordan the Chairman and asking if he wants to buy my season ticket back from me and give some sort of payment for not turning up and jinxing the team !!

Take the year we went travelling. I still bought the season ticket went to the first couple of games and then left to travel the world leaving the ticket with the hope of getting some money for the games that people used it. Didnt get much BUT we did get promotion through the play offs. So the season i'm not there we go up. When I was back I made an effort to get to quite a lot of games and well we got relegated on the last game of the season away to Charlton. No prize for guessing who was in the stands watching the game.....

Well I am going to the game on Saturday V Leeds so lets hope it's not me :-0

Baby News:
Max has been great and is smiling all the time now his sleep pattern is good. He goes down after his bath at 7pm every night and then we are waking him at 11pm for a feed and he is going to about 3 or 4 on his own when he needs a feed and then we wake him again at 7am. Hopefully it wont be too long before he goes through.

He is also holding his head up really well so we have bought him a bebe pod and he loves sitting in it. Faye puts him in the chair in the mornings.


This is him relaxing on the bed.


Finally we have him playing with a friend. His friend Joel is 6 weeks older then him and Max looks like he has caught him up.


I will try not to leave it so long before the next post........


Martin Stickland said...

What a lovely baby Max is, you must be poud.

If you are coming to ilfracombe then wrap up warm because it's been snowing here!

If you pass through Combe martin then bib your horn and I will chuck you a nice Devon cream tea to help you on your journey.

Have fun!


Martin Stickland said...

Rule number 1. Always use spell checker before posting otherwise you will sound like Daffy Duck saying "poud" instead of "proud"!

Sorry! what a banker I am.